Self-Service Banner is a secure, online tool used to manage student information and register for classes online. Through Self-Service Banner, students can register and perform typical student tasks from the comfort of their own home or dorm room.

Self-Service Banner is used for:

  • Registration for classes
  • Pay Fees
  • Drop / Add
  • Check Grades
  • Change Address
  • View and print Transcripts
  • View and print Class Schedule
  • Purchase Meal Plan

To access Self-Service Banner, you must log onto my博彩平台推荐.

Step 1

Go to my博彩平台推荐 at

Step 2

Enter in your User Name and password.

Step 3

Select the Self-Service Banner tab.

Problems logging into My博彩平台推荐:

If you don't know your User Name, click here: and follow the instructions.

If you don't know your password, click here: and choose "Reset Password".

Note: Students with Learning Support Requirements and/or College Preparatory Deficiencies must go to the Learning Support Office to register or drop/add.

  1. Be sure you are logged into My博彩平台推荐.
  2. Click the Self-Service Banner tab.
  3. Click on the Registration Menu.
  4. Use the pull-down menu to select the semester/term and click on Submit Term.
  5. If you have any holds which prevent registration & drop/add, you will be told here. Click on View Holds to see these holds. All holds must be removed before you can register or drop/add.
  6. If you are registering for the first time or wish to change your schedule, click on Add/Drop Classes. If you are already registered for the semester, your schedule will be displayed. You can search for open classes from this screen by clicking on the Class Search button. Follow the instructions on the screen or click on the Help button if you need help.

Important! You must click on the Registration Exit button after you have finished registering or adjusting your schedule and continue clicking on the Exit buttons to exit the system.

Using the Screens

On menus, click on the underlined words, not the blue dots. It may be necessary to scroll down or across to see all the information on the screen. Buttons which allow you change menus or exit the system are at the bottom of the screens.

Special Registration Needs

If you need to do any of the following, you will need to go the Enrollment Services Office for assistance:

  • register for a course overload
  • register for a course as an auditor
  • register for a course for which you have not met the pre-requisites
  • register for a course which requires special approval
  • register for two or more courses with the same course number but different titles
  • register for a course requiring an independent study form

College of Business majors may also see Diane Williamson, room 140, to register for an overload and register for College of Business courses which have unmet pre-requisites or require special approval.

Searching for Open Classes

You must search on subject and part-of-term for summer.

It is best to search for open courses by using the Class Search screen from the Add/Drop Classes screen. You must select at least one subject to perform a search. Keep your search simple. Search on subject and one or two other search options only.

Search options information:

Course Number is the four digit course number like ENGL 1101. Beginning time will list all courses which begin at the entered time or after. Courses for which you are already registered and are still open will display on the search list, but will not have the check box to the left of the course. The results of a search will display courses that could result in time conflicts with already registered courses. After selecting a course, click on the Register button to register for the course. Clicking on the Add to Worksheet button will not reserve a space in the class.

Error Messages - what they mean

Time Conflict with 10670

This course has a time conflict with a course already on your schedule, CRN 10670. Use the pull-down menu in the action field to drop the course causing the conflict, enter the new course CRN in the Add Class block, and click on Submit Changes.

Preq and Test Score-Error

This course has a pre-requisite which you have not met. You may seek special permission to add the course from the Chairperson of the Department teaching the course.

Closed Section

The enrollment in this course has reached its limit.

Major Restriction

Only students with selected majors may register for this course. See the Department Chairperson if you wish to take this course as an elective or use it toward a minor.

Maximum Hours Exceeded

You need overload permission to add this course to your schedule. Level Restriction - undergraduate students cannot register for graduate level courses.

Depart. Approval Required

This course requires departmental approval. You may seek permission to add this course from the Chairperson of the Department teaching the course.

Dupl Crse with Sec-10371

This course has the same course number as a course already on your schedule.

Corq ___ Req

This course has a co-requisite. You must register for both courses at the same time by entering the CRNs in the Add Class block.

Class Restriction

Your class (Fr, So, Jr, Sr, Gr) prevents you from taking this course.

Variable Credit hour classes

Self-Service Banner will automatically register you for the least possible number of hours credit for courses which have a credit hour range. To change your hours credit, click on Change Class Options. Enter credit hours in whole numbers only. After changing hours credit for a course(s), you must click on View Fee Assessment or your fees will not be correct.

Courses which were dropped from your schedule, but not by using the Web

These are courses which were dropped from your schedule in the Registrar's Office or another administrative office. On the Web drop/add screen and on the Student Detail Schedule, these courses will display with zero credit hours and the date dropped. On the Student Schedule by Day and Time, these courses will display at the end of the matrix. These courses cannot be re-added on the Web - you must come to the Registrar's Office if you wish to re-add one of these courses.

You can pay tuition and fees online using my博彩平台推荐. You can use the link on the page under "Pay Fees By Credit Card" if you plan to pay by credit card. You may also click the self-service banner tab in My博彩平台推荐, choose Student and Financial Information, then Registration and Fee Payment, then Pay Fees. You have the option of using credit card, a checking account or a savings account from the self-service banner tab. 

  1. Be sure you are logged into My博彩平台推荐.
  2. Click the Self-Service Banner tab.
  3. Click on Registration.
  4. Use the pull-down menu to select the semester/term and click on Submit Term.
  5. You can see your class schedule on a day and time matrix by clicking on the Student Schedule by Day and Time button.
  6. You can see your class schedule with day and times, meeting location, and instructor by clicking on the Student Detail Schedule button.
  1. Be sure you are logged into My博彩平台推荐.
  2. Click the Self-Service Banner tab.
  3. Click on Your Student Information, and then click on Display Grades.
  4. Use the pull-down menu to select the semester/term and click on Submit Term.
  5. Click on Display Grades.
  1. Be sure you are logged into My博彩平台推荐.
  2. Click the Self-Service Banner tab.
  3. Click on Your Personal Addresses, and then click on View or Update Address and Phones.
  4. Use the pull-down menu to select the address type and click on View or Update Address and Phones.
  1. Be sure you are logged into My博彩平台推荐.
  2. Click the Self-Service Banner tab.
  3. Click on Student Services & Financial Aid.
  4. Then click on Student Records.
  5. Choose Academic Transcript.
  6. Click on Display Transcript.
  7. Use Web browser to print transcript.

Note: This is an unofficial transcript. Official transcript information.

 Please be sure you have set up your 博彩平台推荐 ID and password. The information on this page should be helpful: