Focused woman with documents in hospital


The program prepares RN's for professional advancement and offers interactive learning through an asynchronous online environment.  This program combines a rich and liberal foundation the arts, sciences, and humanities with a unique nursing curriculum that emphasizes the art and science of nursing.

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Program Map

Disclaimer: This program map is intended ONLY as a guide for students to plan their course of study. It does NOT replace any information in the Undergraduate Catalog, which is the official guide for completing degree requirements.

Program Map


C1: ENGL 1101

English Composition I (3 Credit Hours)

T1: BIOL 1107 OR CHEM 1151

Principles of Biology I or Survey of Chemistry I + Lab Section (4 Credit Hours)

M: MATH 1001 OR 1111

Quantitative Skills & Reasoning or College Algebra (3 Credit Hours)

I2: XIDS 2002

(Recommended) First-Year Seminar Course (2 Credit Hours)

S2: Social Science

Elective Course (3 Credit Hours)


  • Complete ENGL 1101 with a C or better
  • Complete BIOL 1107/L or CHEM 1151K with B or better
  • MATH 1111 is a co-requisite for CHEM 1151K
  • Make C or better in MATH 1001 or MATH 1111


C2: ENGL 1102

English Composition II (3 Credit Hours)

T2: BIOL 1108 OR CHEM 1152

Principles of Biology II or Survey of Chemistry II + Lab Section (4 Credit Hours)

T3: MATH 1401

Elementary Statistics (3 Credit Hours)

I2 Course

If not already taken during Term 1 (2 Credit Hours)

A: Humanities

Elective Course (3 Credit Hours)


  • Complete ENGL 1102 with a C or better 
  • Complete BIOL 1108/L OR CHEM 1152K with B or better 


15 Fall Credit Hours + 13 Spring Credit Hours = 28 Credit Hours


F: BIOL 2251 + Lab

Anatomy & Physiology I (4 Credit Hours)

S1: HIST 1111 OR 1112

World History (3 Credit Hours)

P2: POLS 1101

American Government (3 Credit Hours)

A: Humanities

Elective Course (3 Credit Hours)


  • Make C or better in BIOL 2251/L


F: BIOL 2252 + Lab

Anatomy & Physiology II (4 Credit Hours)

F: BIOL 2260 + Lab

Foundations of Microbiology (4 Credit Hours)

P1: HIST 2111 OR 2112

US History (3 Credit Hours)

I1: Oral Communication

Elective Course (3 Credit Hours)


  • Make C or better in BIOL 2252/L and BIOL 2260/L 


13 Fall Credit Hours + 14 Spring Credit Hours = 27 Credit Hours


NURS 4500

Intro to Scholarly Writing (1 Credit Hour)

NURS 3197*

Prof. Nurs. Practice (3 Credit Hours)

NURS 4502

Pathophysiology for RNs (3 Credit Hours)


NURS 4503

Nursing Issues (3 Credit Hours)

NURS 3297*

Nursing Research Appl. (3 Credit Hours)

NURS 4505

Nursing Informatics (3 Credit Hours)


7 Fall Credit Hours + 9 Spring Credit Hours = 16 Credit Hours

*These classes are taken as part of the eMajor USG RN to BSN Collaborative


NURS 3397*

Health Assessment (3 Credit Hours)

NURS 4497*

Community Health Nsg (3 Credit Hours)


NURS 4508

Leadership & Mgmt Practicum/Capstone (5 Credit Hours)

NURS 4597*

Leadership & Mgmt (3 Credit Hours)


6 Fall Credit Hours + 8 Spring Credit Hours = 14 Credit Hours

*These classes are taken as part of the eMajor USG RN to BSN Collaborative

RN to BSN Core Curriculum

The following core guide is meant to display the list of possible/required courses for students pursuing a RN to BSN at the University of West Georgia. Students using this guide should also refer to the 博彩平台推荐 Undergraduate Catalog regarding core IMPACTS policies. Many courses are available online. More information about online options can be found here: and If you are ever uncertain of choice for core, please contact your advisor.

Institutional Priorities 4-5 hours.

(Students may take any combination of courses as long as one is from category 1 & the total is 4hrs for science majors).

Category 1: Oral Communication - Choose one of the following:

  • ANTH 1101 - Voices of Culture (3 Credit Hours)
  • ART 2000 - Oral Communication & the Visual Arts (3 Credit Hours)
  • COMM 1110 - Public Speaking (3 Credit Hours)
  • COMM 1100 - Human Communication (3 Credit Hours)
  • ENGL 2000 - American Speech (3 Credit Hours)
  • ENGL 2050 - Self-Staging: Oral Communication in Daily Life (3 Credit Hours)
  • PHIL 2020 - Critical Thinking (3 Credit Hours)
  • THEA 2050 - Self-Staging: Oral Communication in Daily Life (3 Credit Hours)
  • XIDS 1004 - Technological Communication 1001 or 1002 (4 Credit Hours)
  • FOR LANG - French, German, Spanish (3 Credit Hours)

Category 2: Other Institutional Priorities

RNs can take one of the following or buy XIDS 2001/2 via CBE*:

  • ANTH 1100 - Faces of Culture (2 Credit Hours)
  • BUSA 1900 - Surfing the Internet for Success (2 Credit Hours)
  • CS1000 - Practical Computing (1 Credit Hours)
  • LIBR 2100 - Survey of World Music (2 Credit Hours)
  • MUSC 1110 - Info Literacy & Research (2 Credit Hours)
  • XIDS 2001 - What Do You Really Know About... (1 Credit Hours)
  • XIDS 2002 - What Do You Really Know About... (2 Credit Hours)

*CBE=Credit by Exam, NCLEX is considered the exam. Students pay $6/hr for CBE courses in final semester. Discuss with advisor for further clarification.

Nursing majors take either MATH 1001 or MATH 1111.

  • MATH 1001 - Quantitative Skills and Reasoning (3 Credit Hours)
  • MATH 1111 - College Algebra (3 Credit Hours)

Note: Math 1113 Precalculus and Math 1634 Calculus are acceptable. Grades of C or better are required in both English courses; Grade of C or better required in Area A Math in order to take MATH 1401 (see Area T).

Category 1: American/GA History (One required from the following two)

  • HIST 2111* - United States History I (to 1865)
  • HIST 2112* - United States History II (since 1865)

Note: *Students may exempt HIST 2111 or HIST 2112 by examination. 

Category 2: American/GA Government (Required)

  • POLS 1101 - American Government

If US History or American Government course taken out-of state, student must fulfill GA History/Constitution requirement (contact Academic Testing Services)

Humanities and Fine Arts - 6 credit hours

Category 1: Fine Arts (Choose one)

  • XIDS 2100* - Arts & Ideas (various topics) (3 Credit Hours)
  • ART 1201 - Introduction to Art (3 Credit Hours)
  • ART 2201 - History of Western Art I (3 Credit Hours)
  • ART 2202 - History of Western Art II (3 Credit Hours)
  • FILM 2080 - Introduction to the Art of Film (3 Credit Hours)
  • MUSC 1100 - Music Appreciation (3 Credit Hours)
  • MUSC 1120 - Survey of jazz, Rock, & Popular Music (3 Credit Hours)
  • THEA 1100 - Theatre Appreciation (3 Credit Hours)

Category 2: Humanities (Choose one)

  • XIDS 2100* - Arts & Ideas (various topics) (3 Credit Hours)
  • COMM 1154 - Introduction to Mass Communications (3 Credit Hours)
  • ENGL 2001 - Introduction to Literature (3 Credit Hours)
  • ENGL 2110 - World Literature (3 Credit Hours)
  • ENGL 2120 - British Literature (3 Credit Hours)
  • ENGL 2130 - American Literature (3 Credit Hours)
  • ENGL 2180 - Studies in African-American Literature (3 Credit Hours)
  • ENGL 2190 - Studies in Literature by Women (3 Credit Hours)
  • FOR LANG 1001, 1002, 2001, 2002 (3 Credit Hours)
  • FORL 2200 - Survey of National Literatures (3 Credit Hours)
  • FORL 2300 - Topics in National Literatures (3 Credit Hours)
  • PHIL 2010 - Introduction to Philosophy (3 Credit Hours)
  • PHIL 2030 - Introduction to Ethics (3 Credit Hours)

*XIDS 2100 Can only be used in one Area C Category

Essential Skills - 6 credit hours

  • ENGL 1101 - English Composition I (3 Credit Hours)
  • ENGL 1102 - English Composition II (3 Credit Hours)

Category 1: Laboratory science sequence (Choose one Sequence)

  • BIOL 1107/L - Principles of Biology I w/Lab (4 Credit Hours)
  • BIOL 1108/L - Principles of Biology II w/Lab (4 Credit Hours)


  • CHEM 1151K* - Survey of Chemistry I w/Lab (4 Credit Hours)
  • CHEM 1152K* - Survey of Chemistry II w/Lab (4 Credit Hours)


  • CHEM 1211K** - Principles of Chemistry I w/Lab (4 Credit Hours)
  • CHEM 1212K - Principles of Chemistry II w/Lab (4 Credit Hours)


  • PHYS 1111/L - Introductory Physics I w/Lab (4 Credit Hours)
  • PHYS 1112/L - Introductory Physics II w/Lab (4 Credit Hours)

*Pre/co-requisite MATH 1111 (if taken as a co-req, must 1st register for MATH 1111) 

**Pre/co-requisite MATH 1113 (pre-calc)

Category 2:

  • MATH 1401 - Elementary Statistics (3 Credit Hours)

Social Sciences - 12 credit hours

Category 1: World History (One required from the following two)

  • HIST 1111 - Survey of World History/Civilization I
  • HIST 1112 - Survey of World History/Civilization II

Category 2: Social Science Elective Courses (One required from the following)

  • ANTH 1004 - Introduction to Archeology
  • ANTH 1102 - Introduction to Anthropology
  • ECON 2100 - Economics for Everyone
  • ECON 2105 - Principles of Macroeconomics
  • ECON 2106 - Principles of Microeconomics
  • GEOG 1013 - World Geography
  • GEOG 2503 - Cultural Geography
  • PHIL 2130 - Introduction to World Religions 
  • POLS 2201 - State and Local Government
  • PSYC 1101** - Introduction to General Psychology
  • SOCI 1101** - Introduction to Sociology
  • SOCI 1160** - Introduction to Social Problems
  • XIDS 2300 - Interdisciplinary Studies in the Social Science
  • XIDS 2301 - Introduction to Global Studies

*Students should consult with advisor and/or review Undergraduate Catalog for Area F Prerequisites. Grade of C or better required in all Area F Course.

**Students may not use the same PSYC or SOC/ course to fulfill both Area E and Area F requirements.

Nursing Requirements - 18 hours (All required)

  • BIOL 2251/L* - Anatomy & Physiology I w/Lab
  • BIOL 2252/L* - Anatomy & Physiology II w /Lab
  • BIOL 2260/L* - Foundations of Microbiology w/Lab

RN to BSN students have the option to use 6 credit hours of social science electives or lower division (1000/2000) NURS credits

*Students should consult with advisor and/or review Undergraduate Catalog for Area F Prerequisites. Grade of C or better required in all Area F Course.


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Don't forget to check out Wolf Watch to explore degree requirements!